Family genealogies are located in the Main Library Framingham Room under the call number of REF/929.2.  They are available for use in the library.

ABBOTT:  Abbott, Lemuel Abijah.  Descendants of George Abbott of Rowley (2 volumes).  T. R. Marvin, 1906
ALEXANDER:  Alexander, Victor J.  Alexanders of Mendon.  V.J. Alexander, 1981?
BADGER:  Badger, John Cogswell.  Giles Badger and his descendants.  J.B. Clarke, 1909.
BARRAFORD:  Barraford, Nora M.  Barraford-Jenne, a multilineal genealogy.  N.M. Barraford, 1986-.
BOUTWELL:  Johnson, Mary L.  Boutwell/Boutelle family.  The author, 1980.
BOWDITCH:  Lingham, Seth Bradford.  Bowditch family.  The author, 1975.
CAPEN:  Hayden, Charles Albert.  Capen family.  Augsburg pub. house, 1929.
CHASE:  Waite, Grace J.  William Chase family in New England.  19--?
CHIPMAN:  Chipman, Alberto Lee.  Chipman family.  B.L. Chipman, c1920'
CLARK:  Clark, John.  Records of the descendants of Hugh Clark.  Printed for the author, 1866.
COGSWELL:  Jameson, Ephraim Orcutt.  Cogswells in America.  A. Mudge & son, printers, c1884.
CONANT:  Conant, Frederick Odell.  History and genealogy of the Conant family (2 volumes).  Harris & Williams, 1887
DANFORTH:  May, John Joseph.  Danforth genealogy.  C.H. Pope, 1902.
DAVIS:  Seaver, J. Montgomery.  Davis family records.  American Historical-Genealogical Society, 1929.
DIANA, PRINCESS OF WALES:  Roberts, Gary Boyd.  American ancestors and cousins of the Princess of Wales.  Genealogical Pub. Co., 1984.
DRAPER:  Draper, Thomas Wain-Morgan.  Drapers in America.  John Polhemus Printing Co., 1892.
DUNSTER:  Dunster, Samuel.  Henry Dunster and his descendants.  E.L. Freeman & Co., 1876.
EAMES:  White, John Sargent.  To keep the declaration.  White, 1978.
EASTMAN:  Rix, Guy Scoby.  History and genealogy of Deacon Joseph Eastman of Hadley. M. Emily Eastman, 1908.
FARREN:  Ferrin, Frank Myer.  Captain Jonathan Farren of Amesbury.  Murray printing Co., n.d.
FAY:  Fay, Orlin P.  Fay genealogy  N.E. Historic Genealogical Society, 1987?
FELLOWS:  Fellows, Maxwell Henry.  Eleven generations of the Fellows family.  Fellows, 1976.
FELLOWS:  Fellows, Maxwell H.  Supplement to Eleven generations of the Fellows family. M.H. Fellows, 1979.
FIELD:  Pierce, Frederick Clifton.  Field genealogy (2 volumes).  W.B. Conkey, 1901.
FLAGG:  Flagg, Ernest.  Genealogical notes on the founding of New England.  Genealogical Publishing Co., 1973.
FULLER:  Fuller, William Hyslop.  Genealogy of some descendants of Dr. Samuel Fuller of  the Mayflower.  C.B. Fiske & Co., 1910.
GANNETT:  Gannett, Michael R.  Gannett descendants of Matthew and Hannah Gannett of Scituate.  Gannett, 1976.
GAY:  Gladden, Sanford Charles.  Ancestry of Dr. Jonathan Fay Gay.  Empire Reproduction and Printing Co., c1969.
GIBSON:  Wilson, Mrs. Mehitable Calef.  John Gibson of Cambridge.  McGill & Wallace, 1900.
GLEASON:  Wilson, Lillian May.  Genealogy of the descendants of Thomas Gleason of Watertown.  N.E. Historic Genealogical Society, 198?
GOOCH:  Gooch, Frank Austin.  John Gooch.  Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, 1926.
GOUTHRO:  Carr, Harold M.  Gouthro genealogy.  Mass. Soc. of Genealogists, c1974.
GROVES:  Groves, William T.  History and genealogy of the Groves family in America.  W.T. Groves, 1915.
HAPGOOD:  Hapgood, Warren.  Hapgood family.  Published by the compiler, 1898.
HAWKS:  Lane, Imogene Hawks.  John Hawks, a founder of Hadley.  Gateway Press, 1989.
HAYNES:  Newell, Frederick Haynes.  Descendants of Walter Haynes and Peter Noyes of Sudbury.  D. Clapp, Printers, 1893.
HAZELTON:  Hazelton, Philip A.  Descendants of Stephen Hazelton.  P.A. Hazelton, 1977.
HEMENWAY:  Hemenway, Asa.  Genealogical record of one branch of the Hemenway family.  N.E. Historic Genealogical Society, 198?
HEMENWAY:  Newton, Clair Alonzo.  Ralph Hemenway of Roxbury (2 volumes).  Naperville, Illinois, 1932-43.
HEMINGWAY:  Hemingway, Mary E.  Descendants of Isaac Hemingway, Jr.  Hemingway Book Committee, 1976.
HEMINGWAY:  Addendum to Descendants of Isaac Hemingway, Jr.  Hemingway Book Committee, 1981.
HIX:  Hix, Gayle D.  Hix (Hicks) heads of families.  G.D. Hix, 1981?
HILLS:  Hills, William Sanford.  Hills family in America.  Grafton press, 1906.
HOLMES:  Gray, George Arthur.  Descendants of George Holmes of Roxbury.  D. Clapp & son, 1908.
HOPKINS:  Lowell, Daniel Ozro Smith.  Munsey-Hopkins genealogy.  Priv. print., 1920.
HUNT:  Hunt, Emma Amelia.  Roots and branches of the Hunt -- Fifield -- Bailey family.  Hunt, c1980.
HURD:  Hurd, Dena D.  History and genealogy of the family of Hurd in the U.S.  Privately printed, 1910.
HYDE:  Hyde, Gustavus A.  Ancestors and descendants of Aaron and Patty Hyde of Newton.  Gustavus A. Hyde, 1907.
JACKSON:  Jackson, Blake Smith.  Nicholas Jackson of Rowley.  Jackson, 1977.
KNOWLTON:  Stocking, Charles Henry Wright.  History and genealogy of the Knowltons of England and America.  Knickerbocker Press, 1897.
LAWRENCE:  Lawrence, Robert Means.  Historical sketches of some members of the Lawrence family.  Rand Avery Co., 1888.
LEBARON:  Stockwell, Mary LeBaron.  Descendants of Francis LeBaron of Plymouth.  T.R. Marvin & Son, 1904.
LELAND:  Leland, Sherman.  Leland magazine.  Wier & White, 1850.
LONG:  Long, Charles F.  Family history.  Vanguard Communications, 1990.
LONGFELLOW:  Genealogy of the Longfellow family.  Old-Byfield Press, 1898.
MAYO:  Mayo, Chester Garst.  John Mayo of Roxbury.  Huntington, Vt., 1965.
MERRIAM:  Merriam, John M.  Family name Merriam.  Lakeview Press, 1935.
MORSE:  Morse, Abner.  Memorial of the Morses.  N.E. Historic Genealogical Society, 1986?
MORSE:  Morse, J. Howard.  Morse genealogy.  Springfield Print and Binding Co., 1903.
MORTON:  Morton, John N.  Morton family tree  Springfield, Mo., 1947.
MUNSEY:  Lowell, Daniel OzroSmith.  Munsey-Hopkins genealogy.  Priv. print., 1920.
NEWBERRY:  Starr, Frank Farnsworth.  Newberry family of Windsor, CT.  Hartford, CT, 1898.
NUTTING:  Nutting, John Keep.  Nutting genealogy.  C.W. Bardeen, 1908.
ODIORNE:  Odiorne, James Creighton.  Genealogy of the Odiorne family.  Rand, Avery, 1875.
ORMSBEE:  Ormsbee, Mary Chalfant.  George Hubbard Ormsbee, 1829-1911 and Harriet Hosford Ormsford, 1829-1916.  Boulder, Colo., 1976.
OTIS:  Waters, John J.  Otis family in Provincial and Revolutionary Massachusetts.  Univ. of North Carolina Press, 1968.
PAINE:  Paine, Albert W.  Paine genealogy, Ipswich branch.  O.F. Knowles, 1881.
PAINE:  Whitmore, William Henry.  Genealogy of the Payne and Gore families.  Printed for the Society, 1875.
PARKER:  Parker, Theodore.  Genealogy and biographical notes of John Parker of Lexington. Charles Hamilton, 1893.
PARTRIDGE:  Partridge, Gearge Henry.  Partridge genealogy.  Plimpton Press, 1915.
PEABODY:  Hoyt, Edwin Palmer.  Peabody influence.  Dodd, Mead, 1968.
PHIPPS:  Weis, Frederick Lewis.  Ancestors and descendants of John Phipps of Sherborn.  1924.
PIKE:  Snyder, Wanda I.  Our family history.  Wheatridge, Co., 1981.
POTTER:  Hanna, Doreen Potter.  Potter-Richardson memorial.  1957.
PRATT:  Pratt, Kenneth Charles.  Abraham... The father of us all; a Pratt family history.  The author, 1968.
PROCTOR:  Proctor, A. Carlton.  Proctor genealogy.  1976. 
RICE:  Rice, Charles Ellmer.  By the name of Rice.  Williams Printing Co., 1911.
RICE:  Rice, Claton S.  We sought the wilderness.  The author?, c1949.
RICE:  Smith, Elsie Hawes.  Edmund Rice and his family.  Meador Press, 1938.
ROBERTSON:  Small, Archibald Robertson.  Genealogy of the Robertson, Small, and related families.  A.G. Small, 1907.
ROCKWOOD:  Rockwood, E.L.  Historical and genealogical record of the descendants of Timothy Rockwood.  The Compiler, 1856.
SEARS:  May, Samuel P.  Descendants of Richard Sares (Sears) of Yarmouth.  J. Munsell's Sons, 1890.
SMALL:  Underhill, Lora Altine (Woodbury) Mrs.  Descendants of Edward Small of N.E. (3 volumes).  Houghton Mifflin Co., 1934.
SPENCER:  Roberts, Gary Boyd.  American ancestors and cousins of the Princess of Wales.  Genealogical Pub. Co., 1984.
STEVENS:  Stevens, Charles Ellis.  Stevens genealogy.  Privately printed, 1904.
STONE:  Bartlett, Joseph Gardner.  Gregory Stone genealogy.  Stone family association, 1918.
STURTEVANT:  Sturtevant, Robert Hunter.  Descendants of Samuel Sturtevant.  R.H. Sturtevant, 1986.
SWIFT:  Swift, Katharine.  Swift family.  E.K. Swift, 1955.
TEMPLE:  Prime, Temple.  Some account of the Temple family.  De Vinne Press, 1899.
TISDALE:  Tisdale, Rosa D.  Meet the Tisdales.  Gateway Press, 1981.
TRAVERS:  Daniels, Nathan Hagar.  Descendants of Henry Travers of London, England and Newbury, MA.  N.H. Daniels, 1903.
WAITE:  Corey, Deloraine P.  Waite family of Malden.  Cambridge Univ. Press, 1913.
WARD:  Ward, Samuel.  Correspondence of Governor Samuel Ward.  Rhode Island Historical Society, 1952.
WASHBURN:  Washburn, George T.  Ebenezer Washburn.  American Mission Lenox press, 1913.
WENTWORTH:  Wentworth, John.  Wentworth genealogy.  Little, Brown & Co., 1878.
WHITIN:  Swift, Katharine (Whitin).  Whitin family.  E.K. Swift, 1955.
WOOD:  Wood, William S.  Descendants of the brothers Jeremiah and John Wood.  Press of Charles Hamilton, 1885.
YOUNG  Rix, Guy Scoby.  Genealogy of the Young family.  1913.

(May 1993)