Friends Book Sale
9:30am: Open to Friends Members
Bag Room Open this Month
We have something for everyone! Most books $1.00 or less, children’s 50¢ or less, single DVDs $3.00. June is our last sale until September so stock up on all your summer reading.
This month’s special will be Beach Reads—Buy One book for $1.00 Get One Free in the BOGO bookcase in the Book Room.
In our lobby you will find a large selection of Summer Reads from some of your favorite authors both hard cover and trade paperback at $2.00 each.
Because of your continued support of the Friends, we are able to provide free movies, concerts, programs, museum passes, audio books, CDs, Children’s Room apps, and many other services to patrons and the Framingham community.
Donations are gratefully accepted and may be brought in the day of sale or made at the library during the week.