Events Calendar / All Ages

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Book Buddies: Cosmo thumbnail Photo

Book Buddies: Cosmo

​Improve your reading skills by reading aloud to your new Book Buddy. Registration required. Call 508-532-5636 or drop by to sign up for a time slot. 

Registro requerido! Ligue para 508-532-5636 para se registrar. Melhore suas habilidades de leitura de maneira divertida, lendo em voz alta. Todas as idades.

¡Se requiere registrarse! Llame al 508-532-5636 para registrarse. Mejore sus habilidades de lectura de forma divertida leyendo en voz alta. Todas las edades.

Book Buddies: Reading to Dogs (Arden) thumbnail Photo

Book Buddies: Reading to Dogs (Arden)

​Improve your reading skills by reading aloud to your new Book Buddy. Registration required. Call 508-532-5636 or drop by to sign up for a time slot. 

Registro requerido! Ligue para 508-532-5636 para se registrar. Melhore suas habilidades de leitura de maneira divertida, lendo em voz alta. Todas as idades.

¡Se requiere registrarse! Llame al 508-532-5636 para registrarse. Mejore sus habilidades de lectura de forma divertida leyendo en voz alta. Todas las edades.

Friends of Framingham Library Monthly Book Sale thumbnail Photo

Friends of Framingham Library Monthly Book Sale

Join us on the 3rd Saturday of each month (except for July and August) beginning at 10am for our monthly book sale at the Main Library.

Help support your local library! Learn more and join Friends of the Framingham Library.

NOTE: Prices are subject to change.

Twilight Astronomy with Professor Fishman thumbnail Photo

Twilight Astronomy with Professor Fishman

Join us for an evening of astronomical appreciation in celebration of Mass Space Week. It may not be completely dark, but there’s still plenty to see in the twilight sky! Professor George Fishman, Senior Lecturer of Astronomy at Bentley, will be on hand to answer all your pressing questions about planets, stars, galaxies, NASA, and the search for life outside of Earth. Please note: In the event of bad weather, the event will move inside.

Book Buddies: Reading to Dogs (Duncan) thumbnail Photo

Book Buddies: Reading to Dogs (Duncan)

​Improve your reading skills by reading aloud to your new Book Buddy. Registration required. Call 508-532-5636 or drop by to sign up for a time slot. 

Registro requerido! Ligue para 508-532-5636 para se registrar. Melhore suas habilidades de leitura de maneira divertida, lendo em voz alta. Todas as idades.

¡Se requiere registrarse! Llame al 508-532-5636 para registrarse. Mejore sus habilidades de lectura de forma divertida leyendo en voz alta. Todas las edades.