Events Calendar / Family

中文读书会 thumbnail Photo



时间:每周六 下午3-4点
Main Library:
1/4, 1/18;  2/15;  3/1, 3/15, 3/29;  4/12,4/26;  5/17
McAuliffe Branch Library:
1/11, 1/25;  2/8 (2pm) 春节特别活动, 2/22;  3/8, 3/22;  4/5,4/19;  5/3, 5/31 (2pm) 端午节特别话动

Main Library: 49 Lexington Street, Framingham, MA 01702
McAuliffe Branch: 746 Water Street, Framingham, MA 01701

Book Buddies: Cosmo thumbnail Photo

Book Buddies: Cosmo

​Improve your reading skills by reading aloud to your new Book Buddy. Registration required. Call 508-532-5636 or drop by to sign up for a time slot. 

Registro requerido! Ligue para 508-532-5636 para se registrar. Melhore suas habilidades de leitura de maneira divertida, lendo em voz alta. Todas as idades.

¡Se requiere registrarse! Llame al 508-532-5636 para registrarse. Mejore sus habilidades de lectura de forma divertida leyendo en voz alta. Todas las edades.

Book Buddies: Reading to Dogs (Duncan) thumbnail Photo

Book Buddies: Reading to Dogs (Duncan)

April 5, 11:30AM | MAIN, CHILDREN’S ROOM (Arden)

April 25, 3PM | MAIN, CHILDREN’S ROOM (Duncan)

Improve your reading skills by reading aloud to your new Book Buddy. Registration required. Call or drop by to sign up for a time slot.

¡Se requiere registrarse! Llame al 508-532-5570 x4 para registrarse. Mejore sus habilidades de lectura de forma divertida leyendo en voz alta.

Registro requerido! Ligue para 508-532-5570 x4 para se registrar. Melhore suas habilidades de leitura de maneira divertida, lendo em voz alta.

Hora de Cuentos en Español con Sohli y Raquel thumbnail Photo

Hora de Cuentos en Español con Sohli y Raquel

2 de noviembre (a las 3 de la tarde), 21 de diciembre, 25 de enero, 8 de febrero, 8 de marzo, 5 de abril, 10 de mayo

Acompáñenos para escuchar historias divertidas y hacer manualidades temáticas. Todas las edades son bienvenidas. Se recomiendan las manualidades para niños mayores de 3 años.

中文读书会 thumbnail Photo



时间:每周六 下午3-4点
Main Library:
1/4, 1/18;  2/15;  3/1, 3/15, 3/29;  4/12,4/26;  5/17
McAuliffe Branch Library:
1/11, 1/25;  2/8 (2pm) 春节特别活动, 2/22;  3/8, 3/22;  4/5,4/19;  5/3, 5/31 (2pm) 端午节特别话动

Main Library: 49 Lexington Street, Framingham, MA 01702
McAuliffe Branch: 746 Water Street, Framingham, MA 01701

Book Buddies: Reading to Dogs (Arden) thumbnail Photo

Book Buddies: Reading to Dogs (Arden)

​Improve your reading skills by reading aloud to your new Book Buddy. Registration required. Call 508-532-5636 or drop by to sign up for a time slot. 

Registro requerido! Ligue para 508-532-5636 para se registrar. Melhore suas habilidades de leitura de maneira divertida, lendo em voz alta. Todas as idades.

¡Se requiere registrarse! Llame al 508-532-5636 para registrarse. Mejore sus habilidades de lectura de forma divertida leyendo en voz alta. Todas las edades.

中文读书会 thumbnail Photo



时间:每周六 下午3-4点
Main Library:
1/4, 1/18;  2/15;  3/1, 3/15, 3/29;  4/12,4/26;  5/17
McAuliffe Branch Library:
1/11, 1/25;  2/8 (2pm) 春节特别活动, 2/22;  3/8, 3/22;  4/5,4/19;  5/3, 5/31 (2pm) 端午节特别话动

Main Library: 49 Lexington Street, Framingham, MA 01702
McAuliffe Branch: 746 Water Street, Framingham, MA 01701

中文读书会 thumbnail Photo



时间:每周六 下午3-4点
Main Library:
1/4, 1/18;  2/15;  3/1, 3/15, 3/29;  4/12,4/26;  5/17
McAuliffe Branch Library:
1/11, 1/25;  2/8 (2pm) 春节特别活动, 2/22;  3/8, 3/22;  4/5,4/19;  5/3, 5/31 (2pm) 端午节特别话动

Main Library: 49 Lexington Street, Framingham, MA 01702
McAuliffe Branch: 746 Water Street, Framingham, MA 01701

Career Options for Teens w/ Ed Lawrence thumbnail Photo

Career Options for Teens w/ Ed Lawrence

Are you age 15 or older?
Are you wondering what you want to do for work in the future?
Do you have ideas for saving the world?
Or are you still figuring out what you’re good at?
What do think when you hear the word “College?”\

If you have pondered any of these questions, join us! We’ll try to help you figure out some answers.

You’ll have the chance to take some free self-assessments and figure out what you’re good at and like to do!

We’ll also talk about college. It’s expensive! Is it worth it? Is it right for you? If so, what will be your major? If not, what are your options?

Pre-registration is appreciated, and walk-ins are welcome:

Book Buddies: Reading to Dogs (Arden) thumbnail Photo

Book Buddies: Reading to Dogs (Arden)

April 5, 11:30AM | MAIN, CHILDREN’S ROOM (Arden)

April 25, 3PM | MAIN, CHILDREN’S ROOM (Duncan)

Improve your reading skills by reading aloud to your new Book Buddy. Registration required. Call or drop by to sign up for a time slot.

¡Se requiere registrarse! Llame al 508-532-5570 x4 para registrarse. Mejore sus habilidades de lectura de forma divertida leyendo en voz alta.

Registro requerido! Ligue para 508-532-5570 x4 para se registrar. Melhore suas habilidades de leitura de maneira divertida, lendo em voz alta.

Book Buddies: Reading to Dogs (Duncan) thumbnail Photo

Book Buddies: Reading to Dogs (Duncan)

​Improve your reading skills by reading aloud to your new Book Buddy. Registration required. Call 508-532-5636 or drop by to sign up for a time slot. 

Registro requerido! Ligue para 508-532-5636 para se registrar. Melhore suas habilidades de leitura de maneira divertida, lendo em voz alta. Todas as idades.

¡Se requiere registrarse! Llame al 508-532-5636 para registrarse. Mejore sus habilidades de lectura de forma divertida leyendo en voz alta. Todas las edades.

中文读书会 thumbnail Photo



时间:每周六 下午3-4点
Main Library:
1/4, 1/18;  2/15;  3/1, 3/15, 3/29;  4/12,4/26;  5/17
McAuliffe Branch Library:
1/11, 1/25;  2/8 (2pm) 春节特别活动, 2/22;  3/8, 3/22;  4/5,4/19;  5/3, 5/31 (2pm) 端午节特别话动

Main Library: 49 Lexington Street, Framingham, MA 01702
McAuliffe Branch: 746 Water Street, Framingham, MA 01701

Puzzle Swap: McAuliffe Branch thumbnail Photo

Puzzle Swap: McAuliffe Branch

What to do with jigsaw puzzles you’ve completed? Swap them! Bring your puzzles to exchange with others. No puzzle to swap? Come anyway; there are always extras for you to take. All ages and levels welcome.