Open Color
Drop in to color print-out pictures or complete activity sheets like mazes and word activity sheets!
All Ages
Drop in to color print-out pictures or complete activity sheets like mazes and word activity sheets!
All Ages
Come sing and play with words, rhyme, and puppets!
Ages 0-2 and their caregivers, all welcome.
Explore with scents of spring to make mixtures in cups! Ages 2-4
Fun, safe, and simple sensory activities to help with exploration.
Collect a sheet and see if you can finish this outdoor scavenger hunt, and explore the outdoors.
All Ages
April 5, 11:30AM | MAIN, CHILDREN’S ROOM (Arden)
April 25, 3PM | MAIN, CHILDREN’S ROOM (Duncan)
Improve your reading skills by reading aloud to your new Book Buddy. Registration required. Call or drop by to sign up for a time slot.
¡Se requiere registrarse! Llame al 508-532-5570 x4 para registrarse. Mejore sus habilidades de lectura de forma divertida leyendo en voz alta.
Registro requerido! Ligue para 508-532-5570 x4 para se registrar. Melhore suas habilidades de leitura de maneira divertida, lendo em voz alta.
Using recycled bottles, create and decorate your own hanging planters. Then grab some seeds from our Seed Lending Library to plant!
All Ages
Come sing and play with words, rhyme, and puppets!
Ages 0-2 and their caregivers, all welcome.
Sit outside in Astronaut’s Grove and explore sensory items in a bin!
Ages 2-4
Fun, safe, and simple sensory activities to help your baby explore.
Improve your reading skills by reading aloud to your new Book Buddy. Registration required. Call 508-532-5636 or drop by to sign up for a time slot.
Registro requerido! Ligue para 508-532-5636 para se registrar. Melhore suas habilidades de leitura de maneira divertida, lendo em voz alta. Todas as idades.
¡Se requiere registrarse! Llame al 508-532-5636 para registrarse. Mejore sus habilidades de lectura de forma divertida leyendo en voz alta. Todas las edades.
Come sing and play with words, rhyme, and puppets!
Ages 0-2 and their caregivers, all welcome.
April 22, 9:30AM-7PM DROP OFF | April 23 9:30-5:30PM PICK UP
Drop off your stuffed animal for their own overnight adventure in the library! Registration is required and space is limited. Please call 508-532-5636 x4 to register.
All Ages
Give back to the Earth with these easy-to-make seed bombs. Blend together clay, dirt, water, and wildflower seeds, then form them into a ball. Let them dry, then toss them in the ground. As the seed bombs receive sun and rain, they will eventually compost and the seeds will germinate
All Ages
April 23 9:30-5:30PM PICK UP
Your stuffed animals had a great time at the library last night, so come pick them up so they can tell you all about it!
All Ages
April 24 9:30-5:30PM PICK UP | MAIN, CHILDREN’S ROOM
Drop off your stuffed animal for their own overnight adventure in the library! Registration is required and space is limited. Please call 508-532-5570 or come in person to register. All Ages!
Come sing and play with words, rhyme, and puppets!
Ages 0-2 and their caregivers, all welcome.
We’ve collected all these recycled materials, and now you can use them to build anything you can imagine.
All Ages
April 5, 11:30AM | MAIN, CHILDREN’S ROOM (Arden)
April 25, 3PM | MAIN, CHILDREN’S ROOM (Duncan)
Improve your reading skills by reading aloud to your new Book Buddy. Registration required. Call or drop by to sign up for a time slot.
¡Se requiere registrarse! Llame al 508-532-5570 x4 para registrarse. Mejore sus habilidades de lectura de forma divertida leyendo en voz alta.
Registro requerido! Ligue para 508-532-5570 x4 para se registrar. Melhore suas habilidades de leitura de maneira divertida, lendo em voz alta.
Improve your reading skills by reading aloud to your new Book Buddy. Registration required. Call 508-532-5636 or drop by to sign up for a time slot.
Registro requerido! Ligue para 508-532-5636 para se registrar. Melhore suas habilidades de leitura de maneira divertida, lendo em voz alta. Todas as idades.
¡Se requiere registrarse! Llame al 508-532-5636 para registrarse. Mejore sus habilidades de lectura de forma divertida leyendo en voz alta. Todas las edades.
Take baby outside for some fresh air and let them crawl around on blankets to explore!
Ages 0-2
Fun, safe, and simple sensory activities to help your baby explore.
Use paint and cardboard rolls to stamp a colorful garden!
Ages 2+