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For New Students

Para novos alunos/Para nuevos estudiantes/Pou Nouvo Elèv

To be added to our email list for information about future registrations, please come visit us at the Framingham Library. Our office is open 9am-5pm Monday through Friday.


Português:  Para ser adicionado à nossa lista de e-mail para informações sobre inscrições futuras, visite-nos na Biblioteca de Framingham. Nosso escritório está aberto das 9h às 17h, de segunda a sexta.


Español:  Para ser agregado a nuestra lista de correo electrónico y obtener información sobre futuras inscripciones, visítenos en la Biblioteca de Framingham. Nuestra oficina está abierta de 9 am a 5 pm de lunes a viernes.


Kreyòl:  Pou w ajoute nan lis imèl nou an pou enfòmasyon sou enskripsyon nan lavni, tanpri vin vizite nou nan Bibliyotèk Framingham. Biwo nou an louvri 9am-5pm Lendi jiska Vandredi.



Interested in volunteering?

Literacy Unlimited is looking for more volunteer tutors! 

Work one-to-one with an ESOL (English Speakers of Other Languages) student or teach a student how to read and write. Literacy is a lifesaving skill you can impart to a student to help them succeed. You do not need to be bilingual or have a teaching background.


Upcoming ESOL Information Sessions

March 27th, 1pm, Hybrid (Costin Room @ Framingham Main Library or online via Zoom) - register here

April 10th, 1pm, Hybrid (Costin Room @ Framingham Main Library or online via Zoom) - register here

We ask all prospective volunteers to attend an information session or speak directly with a Literacy Unlimited staff member prior to registering for our tutor training. If you are unable to attend the upcoming information session, please contact us directly at or call us at (508)532-5574.


Upcoming ESOL Tutor Training (~18 hours)

May 1st to June 5th, In-Person (Framingham Public Library, Technology Learning Center)

Thursdays, 1:30-4:30pm - 5/1, 5/8, 5/15, 5/22, 5/29, 6/5 - register here


For Current ESOL Tutors

 "Newsy" the Tutor Newsletter