Support Literacy Unlimited's mission to provide flexible, adaptive one-to-one tutoring for adult ESOL and Basic Literacy students!





Interested in volunteering?

Literacy Unlimited is looking for more volunteer tutors! 


Work one-to-one with an ESOL (English Speakers of Other Languages) student or teach a student how to read and write.


Literacy is a lifesaving skill you can impart to a student to help them succeed. You do not need to be bilingual or have a teaching background.


Upcoming Information and Training Sessions 


Join our next information session on Wednesday, July 24th at 6-7pm in the Costin Room at the Framingham Public Library. If you are interested, please fill out the form in the link below. Thank you!  

To sign up for the information session on July 24th, click here


Upcoming In-person Trainings (~18 hours)

Saturdays from 9:15am-1:30pm starting September 14th, Framingham Public Library, Costin Room (first session will be held in the Technology Learning Center upstairs due to a conflict with other programming) - 9/14, 9/21, 9/28, 10/5

To register for the September training, click here


Thursdays from 1:30-4:30pm starting October 3rd, Framingham Public Library, Costin Room - 10/3, 10/10, 10/17, 10/24, 10/31, 11/7

To register for the October training, click here



For New Students

Registration for the waiting list for a one-to-one teacher for ESOL or Basic Literacy will be opening in September 2024.

Exact dates and times for student registration will be posted soon.



It can take up to six months to be matched with a volunteer tutor or placed in a class. We encourage you to visit us during open office hours so we can meet you and show you all the resources Literacy and the library can offer for studying English independently while you wait.



For Current ESL Tutors

Tutor Meetings


Check the most recent "Newsy" for schedule changes!



 Tutor Perception Survey-Fall 2022



 "Newsy" the Tutor Newsletter



 To see past newsletters, click here