• Zine (zēn): Short for fanzine or magazine, a zine is a DIY, self-published magazine, usually made on paper and reproduced with a photocopier or printer. Zines come in all different shapes, sizes, and formats. Many are handwritten, hand-collaged, photocopied, and stapled. Zines are a personal form of self-expression and can be about anything. There is a great range of zine subjects. Zine creators are often motivated by a desire to share knowledge or experience with people in marginalized or otherwise less-empowered communities. Building community through sharing this way is integral to the zine experience.
  • Our small press collection will feature books, chapbooks, and more. 
  • Zines will be available to browse at the Main Library, but patrons will be able to request zines from our catalog to be sent anywhere in the Minute Man network. 

Upcoming Zine Events:

  • July 31- Zine Workshop
  • August 23- Spark Lab Satellite: Zine Club