Events Calendar / Monthly

Veterans At Ease Coffee Hour thumbnail Photo

Veterans At Ease Coffee Hour

Join us and your local, fellow veterans on the 3rd Friday of each month for free coffee and light refreshments.

This program is a collaboration between the Framingham Public Library and the City of Framingham Veterans Services.

Bachata thumbnail Photo


Join us for our monthly Bachata at the library! Beginner-friendly and inclusive. No partner is necessary. Everyone is welcome! The lesson will be followed by a social dance party.

Fizzy Hearts thumbnail Photo

Fizzy Hearts

Explore the fizzy sensation of vinegar and baking soda!

Ages 2-4

Fun, safe, and simple sensory activities to help your baby explore. 

Mother Goose on the Loose thumbnail Photo

Mother Goose on the Loose

Only for registered participants. Check back in April for information on the next session.

Sing songs, rhymes, and read a book. Stay after for open play and chat. Filled with fun, learning, and bonding for you and your baby!  Ages 0-2.

Kids Chess Club thumbnail Photo

Kids Chess Club

This Chess Club is an informal group welcoming everyone from new players to junior chess masters! Chess boards are provided, but you can bring your own. Staff are available to help with questions, but will not be teaching chess. For Elementary and Middle School students.

1st Tuesday of every Month, 5PM | MAIN, HOMEWORK CENTER

3rd Tuesday of every Month, 5PM | MCAULIFFE, COMMUNITY ROOM

Hora de Cuentos en Español con Sohli y Raquel thumbnail Photo

Hora de Cuentos en Español con Sohli y Raquel

2 de noviembre (a las 3 de la tarde), 21 de diciembre, 25 de enero, 8 de febrero, 8 de marzo, 5 de abril, 10 de mayo

Acompáñenos para escuchar historias divertidas y hacer manualidades temáticas. Todas las edades son bienvenidas. Se recomiendan las manualidades para niños mayores de 3 años.

Mother Goose on the Loose thumbnail Photo

Mother Goose on the Loose

Only for registered participants. Check back in April for information on the next session.

Sing songs, rhymes, and read a book. Stay after for open play and chat. Filled with fun, learning, and bonding for you and your baby!  Ages 0-2.

Friends of Framingham Library Monthly Book Sale thumbnail Photo

Friends of Framingham Library Monthly Book Sale

Join us on the 3rd Saturday of each month (except for July and August) beginning at 10am for our monthly book sale at the Main Library.

Help support your local library! Learn more and join Friends of the Framingham Library.

NOTE: Prices are subject to change.

Mother Goose on the Loose thumbnail Photo

Mother Goose on the Loose

Only for registered participants. Check back in April for information on the next session.

Sing songs, rhymes, and read a book. Stay after for open play and chat. Filled with fun, learning, and bonding for you and your baby!  Ages 0-2.

Kids Chess Club thumbnail Photo

Kids Chess Club

This Chess Club is an informal group welcoming everyone from new players to junior chess masters! Chess boards are provided, but you can bring your own. Staff are available to help with questions, but will not be teaching chess. For Elementary and Middle School students.

1st Tuesday of every Month, 5PM | MAIN, HOMEWORK CENTER

3rd Tuesday of every Month, 5PM | MCAULIFFE, COMMUNITY ROOM

Veterans At Ease Coffee Hour thumbnail Photo

Veterans At Ease Coffee Hour

Join us and your local, fellow veterans on the 3rd Friday of each month for free coffee and light refreshments.

This program is a collaboration between the Framingham Public Library and the City of Framingham Veterans Services.

Mother Goose on the Loose thumbnail Photo

Mother Goose on the Loose

Only for registered participants. Check back in April for information on the next session.

Sing songs, rhymes, and read a book. Stay after for open play and chat. Filled with fun, learning, and bonding for you and your baby!  Ages 0-2.