Friends Monthly Book Sale

9:30-10:00am: Friends Members
10:00am-3:00pm: Open to the public
Most Books $1.00 or less; Children’s .50 or less; single DVD’s $2.00.
We have something for everyone!! 3 Rooms + the lobby chock full of books
Check out the vast children’s section, discover the foreign books collection, and peruse the many books in all genres. The lobby features an assortment of high-quality books at $2.00 each.
Thanks to your support of the Friends, we can provide free movies, concerts, programs, museum passes, audio books, CDs, Children’s Room apps, and many other services to patrons and the Framingham community.
Many thanks to renewing corporate members: Bernardi Toyota, L/R General Contractors, The Optical View, & True Salon and Color Cafe. And a big welcome to this month’s new member: McCarthy, McKinney, & Lawler Funeral Home.