Events Calendar

    Personal Essays that Get Published

    Join your fellow local writers for a collegial and useful half-day retreat to work on personal essays you’d like to get published. Bring your own essays under 800 words and copies or create some of your own during the “get-to-the-heart-of-the-story” writing sessions. Topics covered include: Mining Your Life for Stories; Finding the Universal Truth; Pitching to Editors; Developing a Healthy Relationship with Rejection.
    Bring a beverage, notebook and pens. We will take two short breaks.

    Pre-registration required. Seats limited to 20. Please sign up by emailing Giulietta at or calling 508-380-8799. Photos will be taken for grant and future grant requirements.

    This grant-funded writing workshop will be led by local writer Giulietta “Julie” Nardone. Her essays have been published in Psychology Today, Spirituality & Health Magazine, Boston Globe Magazine, Chicken Soup for The Soul, Christian Science Monitor and broadcast on NPR.