Brown Bag Learning Series: Lunchtime Hypnosis Stress-Buster

Presented by Marisa Fanelli
Join Marisa for a talk about how hypnosis can be used to help you take control of your life. This modality can give you the power to create changes in your habits and thought patterns, which will benefit you in all aspects of your life. Get educated, and then get ready to experience it for yourself. She will be incorporating a mini session of anxiety-reducing hypnotherapy during the presentation. Each participant will also receive a stress relief hypnosis recording to listen to at home.
About Marisa Fanelli:
Marisa is the owner of Healing Point Therapeutics, in Natick. She is an acupuncturist and hypnotherapist, with a specialization in anxiety and insomnia. She is licensed in acupuncture through the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine, and certified in hypnotherapy through the Thomas Institute of Hypnosis and the National Guild of Hypnotists.