Library and Community News

Scam Alert: The “Zoombomb”

As its name implies, a Zoombomb is a situation in which a person "bombs" a zoom meeting. At best, it's annoying, with an unwanted participant disrupting a meeting. But some examples of Zoom bombing are far more sinister. Click here for an interesting Forbes article on Zoombombing, with some good tips.

Here are some tips:

  1. Always generate a random meeting ID for your meeting, rather than using your personal ID. Here's how.
  2. Use the Waiting Room feature to control who comes into the meeting.
  3. Mute loud participants by using the host control bar at the bottom of the screen, clicking on  "Manage Participants," and then muting the microphone and/or video by clicking their icons. See an example of this here.

If you're a Zoom host, or are interested in learning more, we encourage you to read more here.

Thanks to the Framingham Public Library Supervisor of Information and Technology Services for this article.