Spring 2023 Adventures in Lifelong Learning

Enjoy courses for adults 60+ on ZOOM! Online registration opens on Monday, March 27 at 11am. Registration is required by Friday, April 21.
For full course descriptions, registration information, and instructions for using Zoom (by computer, tablet or phone), go to framinghamlibrary.org/adventures or bit.ly/Adventures-FSU.
Have questions? Email lifelonglearning@framingham.edu or call 508-215-5127. To join our mailing list, go to bit.ly/Adventures-mailing-list.
9:00-10:30 am
COURSE 101: Villette: The Female Self in the Victorian World with Helen Heineman, PhD
COURSE 102: Hindu Art and Iconography with Yumi Park Huntington, PhD
10:45 am - 12:15 pm
COURSE 103: African American History to Reconstruction with Maria Alessandra Bollettino, PhD
COURSE 104: Jazz History Part II with Paul Buono, JD
1:15 - 2:45 pm
COURSE 105: The Supreme Court and the Promise of Equality with David Smailes, PhD
Adventures in Lifelong Learning courses are free to all participants thanks in part to funding support from the Older American Acts as granted by Springwell, Inc., and grants from the Framingham and Marlborough Cultural Councils. Because federal funding is being used, we provide participants an opportunity to make a voluntary donation toward the cost of this service. Voluntary donations are put directly into program enhancement, allowing for expansion of services. Whether or not a participant makes a voluntary donation in no way informs or influences this service delivery.