Library and Community News

How To Avoid COVID-19 Scams: Free Webinar For Masssachusetts Residents & Businesses

Better Business Bureau logoMassachusetts residents are invited to a FREE 60-minute webinar on Tuesday, May 12, 2020, from 1pm to 2pm, to learn about COVID-19 scams that are affecting business owners and community members across the state.

Office of Consumer Affairs Massachusetts logoThe webinar will be led by Amy Schram, Community Relations Manager with the Better Business Bureau, and Robin Putnam, Special Projects Manager with the Massachusetts Office of Consumer Affairs.

Schram and Putnam will discuss many of the scams that have emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic and share resources that will help residents and business owners protect themselves from fraudsters. Questions from the audience will be answered at the end of the webinar.

The webinar, which will be hosted on the Zoom platform, is sponsored by the Tewksbury Public Library. Registration is required. Please register with the library at or by contacting Community Outreach Librarian/Head of Technical Services Robert Hayes at 978-640-4490 x 205 or

Live Chat Times for Children’s Services

silhouette image of child readingBeginning the week of May 11, our Children's Librarians will be on the chat line Mondays, Wednedays, and Fridays, from 3-5pm. If you need help finding a good book or resource for children, have a chat session during one of these times. (Note that questions for all age groups are welcome at any time Monday through Friday, 9am-5pm.)

To start a Chat session, click the blue chat icon at the bottom of our website:

City Launches a New Mental Health and Substance Use Resource Page

On Tuesday, May 5, Mayor Yvonne M. Spicer hosted a virtual Community Hour (watch below) focused on mental health and substance use disorder amid COVID-19. The past several weeks have been stressful and sometimes overwhelming as we all have made changes in our daily lives to help slow the spread of the virus. It is understandable that changes like social distancing, staying at home, working and learning remotely, or even not working, bring feelings that are difficult to manage. To help, the City created a new resource page for residents to learn more about the programs and services that can support them.

For even more mental health resources, please look at the Library webpages: Hotlines, Support Groups, Self-Care Resources.


Call for More Face Covering Donations!

Please Donate with background of cloth masks and a heartThe City of Framingham is still collecting face coverings! So far, people have created and donated more than 500 face coverings, but MORE donations are needed!

Learn how to make a homemade cloth face covering from the Centers for Disease Control’s website:

Once created, please package the cloth face coverings in an envelope or plastic bag, and drop them off at the specially marked drive-up library book returns at the following locations:

  • Main Library - 49 Lexington Street

  • McAuliffe Branch Library - 746 Water Street

Remember, cloth face coverings protect you and others. Thank you for keeping us all healthy and safe!

For more information, please visit the City of Framingham's Food and Donation page.

Free Language Learning from Mango Through June 30!

Want to learn a new language? Mango Languages is our online language learning resource, and offers over 70 languages, including English for English Language Learners. As part of Mango's Public Library Community Outreach Initiative, Mango Languages is offering free language learning until June 30, 2020. Click here to get started.