Events Calendar / June 05, 2020

Weekly Zoom Baby Lapsits with Joanne and Lucy thumbnail Photo

Weekly Zoom Baby Lapsits with Joanne and Lucy

Come sing and play with words, rhyme, and puppets at Baby Lapsit. Break up your shelter in place time or take a break from your work from home time with some fun time with your little one, catch a glimpse
of your friends on the gallery screen, and keep adding to your child’s 1000 books before Kindergarten (retroactive sign up when we reopen)!

Email us at to receive an invitation to join us on Zoom.

Ages 0-2 and their caregivers, all welcome.

June Game Time thumbnail Photo

June Game Time

We've got some new games for June's Game Time! We'll try out, where you have to build your own fort while trying to destroy everyone else's, and, a Snake-like game where you have to eat as many dots as possible to rule the map. And if we manage to get bored of those, we still have Werewolf, Codenames,,,, SmashKarts, and more!

To join in on the fun, just fill out the registration form at the bottom of the event page (just click on the poster). While doing so, please put the grade you're in in the "Message" section. I'll send everyone who registers a Zoom link. On Zoom we can chat about the games, and I'll send out the codes to the private rooms.