A Verye Dangerous Woman: Anne Hutchinson

Arriving in Boston from England in 1634, Anne Hutchinson settled into life in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Deeply religious and a skilled midwife, Hutchinson was embraced by the Puritan community. However, she began to question the minister’s sermons. When she refused to remain silent, Boston clergymen together
with Governor John Winthrop condemned Hutchinson as “a Verye Dangerous Woman” who stubbornly refused to recant her “fowle and Damnable Herisies.”
Lifelong Learning Lectures – Late Fall 2016
A collaboration with Framingham State University, Framingham Public Library and Shillman House. The two lectures take place at the Christa McAuliffe Branch Library, Community Room, on Wednesdays at 7:00pm. Guest Speaker: Dr. Gary Hylander, Professor Emeritus.
Coming Wednesday, December 7: Traitorous Ladies: Tokyo Rose and Axis Sally