**POSTPONED**Clay Sorpresas

This event is postponed. Check back soon for a new date!
¡Crea una mini figura de arcilla escondida dentro de un huevo de cartón que decores tú! Esta artesanía, que suele encontrarse en el Mercado Nacional de Artesanías de El Salvador, se basa en el trabajo de los artesanos de Ilobasco. Edades 5+
Create a mini clay figurine hidden inside a cardboard egg you decorate! Often found in the National Craft Market of El Salvador, this craft is based on the work of artisans from Ilobasco. Ages 5+
Our Commitment to Cultural Respect:
At Framingham Public Library, we believe in honoring and respecting all cultures. This event aims to educate participants about Hispanic Heritage Month while promoting understanding and appreciation for the craft. Our activity is designed to inspire creativity while fostering cultural sensitivity and respect.