Monday Storytime at McAuliffe
Join your familiar children’s librarians for some stories and a craft, and keep adding to your 1000 books before Kindergarten list.
Ages 2-5, all welcome. In-person.
Join your familiar children’s librarians for some stories and a craft, and keep adding to your 1000 books before Kindergarten list.
Ages 2-5, all welcome. In-person.
Learn the basics of needle felting and work on your own custom creature. Come once and make something simple, or come every week to make a larger creation!
Fill out our registration form here if you'd like to sign up for Teen Craft program reminders:
Grades 6-12
Celebrate Women’s History Month with local author Janis Robinson Daly. Join us in discussing 31 titles by influential women authors! Includes a Bingo-style game with prizes, book signing, and more.