Faith Traditions in America: Panel Discussion

This is a three part series on the following Wednesdays, 7-8:00pm:
- April 25, McAuliffe Branch, Community Room – Part 1: Christianity, Islam and Judaism
- May 2, McAuliffe Branch, Community Room – Part 2: An Overview of the Sacred Texts of Christianity, Islam and Judaism
- May 9, Main Library, Costin Room – Part 3: How We Celebrate Holy Days and Their Significance
- Rev. Jason Rutherford, First Baptist Church, Framingham
- Rabbi Dr. Laurence Bazer, Temple Beth Shalom, Framingham
- Shaheen Akhtar, Islamic Center of Boston, Wayland
- Rabbi Sharon Sobel, Temple Beth Am, Framingham
- Rev. Dr. Debbie Clark, Edwards Church, UCC, Framingham