Mindfulness Book Club: Real Happiness: The Power of Meditation by Sharon Salzburg

Please join us for a discussion of Real Happiness: the Power of Meditation. A short meditation will follow the book discussion. Together, we will find the best way to incorporate it into, and perhaps beyond, the book group. We hope to bring more peace and awareness into your days.
You can request the book here or here or pick up a copy on display at the Main Library. eBook and downloadable audiobook versions of Real Happiness are available through Hoopla. They may be used on a computer, tablet, or smartphone. And as with all titles in Hoopla they are always available, so there is no waiting! If you have any questions about using Hoopla we have drop in help at the Main Library on Monday and Wednesday nights from 6-9pm and by appointment by calling 508-532-5570 x4361.