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For New Students

Para novos alunos/Para nuevos estudiantes/Pou Nouvo Elèv

To be added to our email list for information about future registrations, please come visit us at the Framingham Library. Our office is open 9am-5pm Monday through Friday.


Português:  Para ser adicionado à nossa lista de e-mail para informações sobre inscrições futuras, visite-nos na Biblioteca de Framingham. Nosso escritório está aberto das 9h às 17h, de segunda a sexta.


Español:  Para ser agregado a nuestra lista de correo electrónico y obtener información sobre futuras inscripciones, visítenos en la Biblioteca de Framingham. Nuestra oficina está abierta de 9 am a 5 pm de lunes a viernes.


Kreyòl:  Pou w ajoute nan lis imèl nou an pou enfòmasyon sou enskripsyon nan lavni, tanpri vin vizite nou nan Bibliyotèk Framingham. Biwo nou an louvri 9am-5pm Lendi jiska Vandredi.



Interested in volunteering?

Literacy Unlimited is looking for more volunteer tutors! 

Work one-to-one with an ESOL (English Speakers of Other Languages) student or teach a student how to read and write. Literacy is a lifesaving skill you can impart to a student to help them succeed. You do not need to be bilingual or have a teaching background.


Upcoming ESOL Tutor Trainings (~18 hours)

March 1st to March 22nd, In-Person (Framingham Public Library, Technology Learning Center)

Saturdays, 9:15am-1:30pm - 3/1, 3/8, 3/15, 3/22 - register here


May 1st to June 5th, In-Person (Framingham Public Library, Technology Learning Center)

Thursdays, 1:30-4:30pm - 5/1, 5/8, 5/15, 5/22, 5/29 - register here


For Current ESOL Tutors

 "Newsy" the Tutor Newsletter