Events Calendar / September 22, 2025

Monday Storytime at McAuliffe thumbnail Photo

Monday Storytime at McAuliffe

Join your familiar children’s librarians for some stories and a craft, and keep adding to your 1000 books before Kindergarten list.

Ages 2-5, all welcome. In-person.

Tone & Stretch thumbnail Photo

Tone & Stretch

Join us on for a variety of functional fitness exercises to tone core, upper, and lower body muscles followed by stretches. This is a low impact class designed to be adaptable to participants’ different levels.

If you haven't already, join our Execise mailing list to receive email reminders of upcoming classes.

Puzzle Swap: McAuliffe Branch thumbnail Photo

Puzzle Swap: McAuliffe Branch

What to do with jigsaw puzzles you’ve completed? Swap them! Bring your puzzles to exchange with others. No puzzle to swap? Come anyway; there are always extras for you to take. All ages and levels welcome.