Events Calendar

    Goldfish Swim School Presents: W.A.T.E.R. Safety

    Join the Goldfish Swim School as their team of water safety and early childhood experts teach families about water safety and drowning prevention, based on the principles taught by the Safer 3 Water Safety Foundation. This fun and interactive program introduces kids to the concept of water safety and helping them learn safety methods to avoid potential dangers in and around the water, educates children about the importance of water safety and ways to handle water crisis situations, and provides materials and information to your students and you in an effort to prevent water-related accidents! 

    Please register for the program at: and to schedule a time to pick up your take-home goody bag that includes a free Family Swim pass, a safety-related coloring sheet, temporary tattoos, and information for their parents about what they learned during the program to help reinforce the skills at home.