Beginner Hand Sewing Workshop: Fabric Bookmarks
Learn to sew a fabric bookmark using hand sewing techniques. Supplies limited; Registration required: Grades 4-8
Learn to sew a fabric bookmark using hand sewing techniques. Supplies limited; Registration required: Grades 4-8
Join Leslie Gabriele of With Love and Gratitude on the third Thursday of each month for a half hour of guided meditation and other opportunities for carefree relaxation.
Join our Meditation mailing list to receive a monthly email with Zoom link.
Are you age 15 or older?
Are you wondering what you want to do for work in the future?
Do you have ideas for saving the world?
Or are you still figuring out what you’re good at?
What do think when you hear the word “College?”\
If you have pondered any of these questions, join us! We’ll try to help you figure out some answers.
You’ll have the chance to take some free self-assessments and figure out what you’re good at and like to do!
We’ll also talk about college. It’s expensive! Is it worth it? Is it right for you? If so, what will be your major? If not, what are your options?
Pre-registration is appreciated, and walk-ins are welcome: