Events Calendar / November 03, 2022

Job Search Assistance thumbnail Photo

Job Search Assistance

Looking for a job? Need to create or update a resume?
Make an appointment for remote, one-on-one Resume Help and Job Searching Strategies.

Please email for your appointment.

Lifelong Learning Lecture: “National Identity and Tone Poems thumbnail Photo

Lifelong Learning Lecture: “National Identity and Tone Poems

Singer, lecturer and vocal instructor, Ron Williams is recognized nationwide for his artistry in the field of opera and oratorio. Locally, Ron debuted with Boston Lyric Opera, receiving critical acclaim from the New York Times.

In the later part of the 19th century romanticism, European composers turned inward for inspiration to folk dances and folk songs and unearthed treasures of nationalism. We will explore this period of music and discover gems in our own American heritage as well, for example, Aaron Copland’s Appalachian Spring…I guarantee you will leave the lecture humming familiar tunes!