
The City of Framingham is part of the ancestral homelands of the Nipmuc. They have lived here since at least 10,000 BCE. The name Nipmuc roughly translates as "people of fresh water," as their lands had an abundance of freshwater rivers, lakes, and ponds. Not much is known about the Nipmuc before their first contact with European Settlers in 1621. By the early 1600s when English settlers came to what we now know as Framingham, disease outbreaks were greatly affecting the Nipmuc population. The English began to take advantage of the depleted population and established farms on former Nipmuc planting fields. The descendants of the Nipmuc who originally lived in this area do not retain any of their original lands. When Framingham became a town in 1700, the first official town meetings were held in the Meeting House, which also served as a church. Later, a separate meeting house was built on the common at Framingham Center. This building was known as Village Hall.

John Stone was the first European to settle in Framingham in 1647, where he had a corn mill in operation on the Sudbury River. Other pioneers soon followed and began raising families on the 15,000 acres granted to Thomas Danforth by the Colonial government. People fleeing persecution from the Salem witch trials came to Framingham and settled in what is now the Salem End Road area. By 1700, there were 76 families living and farming in Framingham.

In the early 17th century, trade with the Nipmuc people and other American Indians served as a crucial lifeline to early white settlers. In 1630, when starvation threatened Massachusetts Bay colonists, Nipmuc traders carried corn and other goods to the hungry colonists via an old walking path that stretched more than 100 miles from Wethersfield, Connecticut, to Boston. Today, the path is known as the Old Connecticut Path.

Following the Revolutionary War, Framingham became a stopping place for the Stage Coach line, which allowed businesses to prosper in the Centre Common area. The steam engine soon followed and was built through the less-developed south end of the city, which led to a growth of business and industrial activity in the downtown area. Framingham is now a retail center for the region, housing such corporations as TJX, Staples, and Bose.

Framingham is also well known for its involvement in the "Framingham Heart Study," which began in 1948 and led to significant increases in understanding in cardiovascular diseases and treatments.


Recreation and Activities

Events and Activities

The City of Framingham Community Calendar displays ongoing events and programs hosted by different community organizations.

Parks & Recreation Department
Framingham has a wide array of lessons and activities available for adults and children through the Parks and Recreation Department. The Department also oversees the city's beaches, parks, and playgrounds.

Local Museums

Danforth Museum of Art
14 Vernon St., Framingham, MA 01701
Telephone: 508-620-0050
Features six galleries of acclaimed exhibitions highlighting the museum's collection of 19th and 20th century American art. The museum school offers a full range of studio art classes year round, for all ages.

Framingham History Center
3 Oak St, Framingham, MA 01701
Telephone: 508-626-9091
Explore Framingham's Historical past. Visit the Framingham History Center in the Old Academy Museum. View the collection of photographs, dolls, furniture, and antique tools.

Garden in the Woods
180 Hemenway Rd., Framingham
Telephone: 508-877-7630
New England's premier wildflower garden displaying over 1,600 varieties of plants, including over 200 rare and endangered species. As the botanical garden of the New England Wildflower Society, this living museum is devoted to the conservation and exhibition of North American plants and habitats.

Amazing Things Art Center
160 Hollis St, Framingham, MA 01702
atac is a small, community-focused visual and performing arts center providing access to the economic, creative, and community-building opportunities inherent in the arts. Programs include live music, theater, comedy, and visual art programs. By collaborating with other community-based organizations, activists, and artists, atac helps meet the emerging needs of our neighbors with dignity, creativity, and joy.

For reduced admittance to museums, see the Framingham Public Library's museum pass program here.

Local Services

City Services

Memorial Building 150 Concord St., Framingham, MA
City Telephone Directory
Memorial Building is the name of the City Hall in Framingham. Most of the city's services have offices in the building. A list of these services is available on the city website (

Framingham Recycle Center (permit required
255 Mt. Wayte Ave., Framingham MA 01702
Solid Waste Management Dept." Telephone: 508-532-6001
Framingham has weekly curbside trash pick-up (from your sidewalk) to dispose of household waste and recyclables. Framingham also recycles large appliances, electronics, furniture, tires, car oil, Christmas trees, paint, yard waste, and clothing. Some items can be picked up at your curbside, others must be taken to the Recycle Center. There is a small fee for recycling some of these items. For more information and to get a recycle bin, contact the Solid Waste Management Department.

MetroWest Care Connection
Website which allows anyone to search for local mental health, substance use, healthcare and social services that match individualized needs. Care Navigators are also available Monday-Friday 9am-5pm at 1-844-528-6800.

South Middlesex Opportunity Council (SMOC)
7 Bishop St., Framingham MA 01702; 508-872-4853
SMOC works to improve equity, sellness and quality of life for diverse individuals and families by providing advocacy, education, and a wide range of services.


Metrowest Regional Transport Authority (MWRTA)
Telephone: 508-935-2222
Dial-a-Ride: 508-820-4650
The MWRTA, also known as The Lift, provides bus service throughout the MetroWest area. It goes through Framingham, Natick, Holliston, Ashland, Hopkinton, Milford, Marlborough, and Southborough. The system also stops at the downtown Framingham train station and all the area high schools. Fare is $1.50, cash or CatchCard only. Transfers from one MWRTA bus to another are free.

In addition to MWRTA, Framingham has the following public transportation services:

In addition to MWRTA, Framingham also has the following public transportation services:

MBTA Commuter Rail (train)
417 Waverly St, Framingham, MA 01702
Train service to Worcester or Boston

Logan Express Bus Services
11 Burr Street Extension, Framingham, MA 01701
Phone: 508-872-8521
Tickets can be purchased online

Peter Pan Bus Routes
Shoppers World Shelter, 1 Worcester Rd, Framingham, MA 01701
MWRTA bus shelter (located near Olive Garden)
Signal to the driver to stop when you see the bus approaching.
Purchase tickets online.
Parking available onsite?: Yes (no overnight parking)
Parking rate: Free

Greyhound Bus Lines
Framingham (Framingham Intermodal)
2 Framklin St, Framingham, MA 01702
Phone: 800-231-2222
Tickets can be purchased online



April, 2024