Books / eBooks
Call Number Author Title
304.28 Diamond Diamond, Jared M. Collapse: How societies choose to fail or succeed.
304.28 McKibben McKibben, Bill. The end of nature.
332.024 Balish Balish, Chris. How to live well without owning a car: Save money, breathe easier, and get more mileage out of life.
332.72 McDaniel McDaniel, Carl M. Wisdom for a livable planet.
333.79 Woodside Woodside, Christine. Homeowners guide to energy independence: Alternative power sources for the average American.
New 333.956 Danson Danson, Ted Oceana : our endangered oceans and what we can do to save them
363.7 Green   Green living: The E Magazine handbook for living lightly on the earth.
363.72 Jeffery   Green living for dummies
New 363.738 Hertsgaard Hertsgaard, Mark Hot : living through the next fifty years on earth
363.738 Kolbert Kolbert, Elizabeth. Field notes from a catastrophe: Man, nature, and climate change.
363.7387 Gore Gore, Albert. An inconvenient truth: The planetary emergency of global warming and what we can do about it.
363.7387 Henson 2008 Henson, Robert. The rough guide to climate change.
363.7387 McKibben McKibben, Bill. Fight global warming now: The handbook for taking action in your community.
363.7387 Romm Romm, Joseph J. Hell and high water: Global warming - the solution and the politics - and what we should do.
363.7387 Steinman Steinman, David. Safe trip to Eden: 10 steps to save planet Earth from the global warming meltdown.
363.7387 Walker Walker, Gabrielle. The hot topic: What we can do about global warming.
508.98 Matthiessen Matthiessen, Peter. End of the earth: Voyages to Antarctica.
551.5 Dow 2011 Dow, Kirstin The atlas of climate change : mapping the world's greatest challenge
551.6 Flannery Flannery, Tim F. The weather makers: How man is changing the climate and what it means for life on Earth.
551.6 Linden Linden, Eugene. The winds of change: Climate, weather, and the destruction of civilizations.
551.6 Lynas Lynas, Mark. Six degrees: Our future on a hotter planet.
551.6 Pearce Pearce, Fred. With speed and violence: Why scientists fear tipping points in climate change.
577 Stutz Stutz, Bruce. Chasing spring: An American journey through a changing season.
615.902 Bond 2005 Berthold-Bond, Annie. Home enlightenment: Practical, earth-friendly advice for creating a nurturing, healthy, and toxin-free home and lifestyle.
621.042 Alley Alley, Richard B. Earth : the operators' manual
640 Bach Bach, David. Go green, live rich: 50 simple ways to save the earth and get rich trying.
640.73 Clark Clark, Duncan. The rough guide to shopping with a conscience.
641.0973 Kingsolver Kingsolver, Barbara. Animal, vegetable, miracle: A year of food life.
642.4 Seo Seo, Danny. Simply green parties: Simple and resourceful ideas for throwing the perfect celebration, event, or get-together.
644 Stoyke Stoyke, Godo The Carbon Buster's home energy handbook: Slowing climate change and saving money.
648.5 Sandbeck Sandbeck, Ellen. Organic housekeeping: In which the Nontoxic Avenger shows you how to improve your health and that of your family while you save time, money, and, perhaps your sanity.
690.24 Johnston Johnston, David. Green remodeling: Changing the world one room at a time.
690.87 Chiras Chiras, Daniel D. The new ecological home: The complete guide to green building options.
691 Freed   Green building & remodeling for dummies
691 Green   Green building products: The GreenSpec guide to residential building materials.
728.37 Salomon Salomon, Shay. Little house on a small planet: Simple homes, cozy retreats, and energy efficient possibilities.
745 Seo Seo, Danny. Simply green giving: Create beautiful gift wrapping, tags, and handmade treasures from everyday materials.


For e-Books and Audiobooks on Climate Change, click here.


Climate Change, Air Pollution and Global Challenges by Rainer Matyssek
Coming climate crisis? by Claire Parkinson


Framingham Public Library's periodicals collection is a good place to look for information and ideas on a wide range of subjects. See the Periodicals Page for the full list of library magazines and newspapers. 

Mother Earth Living
Mother Earth News
National Geographic
Popular Science
Scientific American
Sky & Telescope

Read Library Magazines Online

Did you know you can access current and back issues of popular magazines with your library card and Zinio? Download the Zinio app on your mobile device or read in your computer's browser. No holds, no checkout periods, and no limit to the number of magazines you can download.

Look here first for more info


Minuteman Library Network databases can be used from the library computers, or from home with your library card. For articles on climate change, search the following databases:

Science in Context. Science in Context provides topic overviews, experiments, biographies, pictures and illustrations, as well as articles from over 200 magazines and academic journals and links to quality web sites. The database covers curriculum-related science topics, and offers teachers an easy-to-use tool to identify content directly correlated to state and national standards.

Credo. CREDO is a user-friendly search engine designed to help with research on thousands of topics. Just enter your search query (as you would in Google), and CREDO instantly scans millions of entries from over 70 publishers. Consider it your own private online reference library. Search results are drawn from the entire research collection, including images and sound files, enabling you to get relevant answers from a number of sources at once. Each reference title can also be accessed individually. New editions and new book titles are added regularly.
Titles of interest in Credo:
Culture Wars in America: An Encyclopedia of Issues, Viewpoints, and Voices, 2013
Global Social Issues: An Encyclopedia, 2013
Handbook of Global Environmental Politics, 2012
Atlas of Climate Change, 2011
DK Eyewitness Books: Climate Change, 2008
Curriculum Connections: 21st Century Science: The Earth, 2010

Environmental Studies and Policy Collection. Providing robust coverage of the field of environmental issues and policy, this collection, which includes nearly 200 journals, provides instant access to the multiple viewpoints of this volatile field of study, including perspectives from the scientific community, governmental policy makers, as well as corporate interests.

Gale Virtual Reference Library: (Click "Social Sciences," "Environment," etc.) The Gale Virtual Reference Library is a database of encyclopedias, almanacs, and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research. Sources may be searched individually or together.

Titles of interest in GVRL:
Environmental Encyclopedia, 2003
The Gale Encyclopedia of Science, 2014
Environmental Issues: Essential Primary Sources, 2006
Pollution A to Z, 2004

Global Issues in Context. Global Issues in Context offers international viewpoints on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Featured are hundreds of continuously updated issue and country portals that bring together a variety of specially selected, highly relevant sources for analysis of social, political, military, economic, environmental, health, and cultural issues. Each of these gateway pages includes an overview, unique "perspectives" articles written by local experts, reference, periodical, primary source and statistical information. Rich multimedia - including podcasts, video, and interactive graphs - enhance each portal. Use Browse Issues and Topics, Country Finder, Basic Search or Advanced Search to explore the database.

Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Opposing Viewpoints in Context is an engaging online experience for those seeking contextual information and opinions on hundreds of today's hottest social issues. Drawing on the acclaimed Greenhaven Press series, the new solution features continuously updated viewpoint articles, topic overviews, full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, statistics, images, videos, audio files and links to vetted websites organized into a user-friendly portal experience.

General Reference Center Gold. Use this general interest database to search magazines, reference books, and newspapers for information on current events, popular culture, the arts and sciences, sports, etc.

Expanded Academic ASAP. From arts and the humanities to social sciences, science and technology, this database meets research needs across all academic disciplines. Access scholarly journals, magazines and newspapers - with full text and images!



More databases (arranged by subject)

Videos & DVDs

An Inconvenient Truth. DVD 363.738 Inconvenient.
What's Up with the Weather? VIDEO 363.7387 What's.

Look for more videos at the Library, or from home on Hoopla and Overdrive.


Global Warming: Early Warning Signs

Goddard Institute for Space Studies, NASA

An Inconvenient Truth

New American Dream

The Pew Center on Global Climate Change

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Climate Change

Union of Concerned Scientists: Global Warming

United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

World Wildlife Fund