The GED and HiSet exams are high school diploma equivalency exams for adults who have not completed high school.  Both tests are accepted in place of a high school diploma by most employers and colleges, and both tests are acceptible means to earn your Massachusetts High School Equivalency Credential.  Each exam involves extensive testing in math, science, language arts, and social studies.  GED applicants complete their testing using a computer, while HiSet applicants have the option to complete their test on paper or on a computer.


To learn more about the two tests and find a testing center, visit the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's High School Equivalency (HSE) Testing Program webpage.


Last updated July 2018
Books at FPL

GED Books and CDs - English

GED Books and CDs - Spanish

HiSet Books and CDs - English


There are several organizations in and around Framingham that provide free classes to help you prepare for your test.

  • Joan Brack Adult Learning Center at SMOC - Free GED classes for adults who do not have a high school diploma.  Classes are Tuesday through Friday between the hours of 10am and 3pm.
    • Young Parents Program: The Young Parents Program is a 20 hour a week GED program and provides an afternoon of parenting and literacy instruction by a qualified parenting instructor. You must be under 22 with at least one chuild and working with the DTA to be considered for the program. The hours of the program are the same as GED: Tuesday-Friday 10am-3pm.
  • Hudson Maynard Adult Learning Center - Free GED and ESOL classes held at the Hudson High School.
  • Adult Community Learning Center at Quinsigamond Community College - Free non-credit classes in HiSET/GED preparation, ESOL, and Adult Career Pathways.
  • Massachusetts Adult Literacy Hotline - Get help finding over 300 adult education programs in Massachusetts, covering topics such as GED prep, basic literacy, and more.

You may also chose to take a fee based class.  Some local options include:

  • Keefe at Night - Note that while this page describes the HiSet as a replacement for the GED this is not the case - either exam is accepted for the Massachusetts High School Equivalency Credential.

For a more comprehensive list of class offerings, see the Metrowest Adult Learning Programs brochure.

Online Practice Tests


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  • Telephone the Main Library Reference Department at 508-532-5570, extension 4361. 
  • Email your questions through our "Ask A Librarian" page.
  • Visit the Main Library or the McAuliffe Branch for free access to the Internet and databases, and for assistance with research.