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Growing tomatoes from a fresh tomato.

Growing tomatoes from a fresh tomato.

First find a tomato from at store, the best and healthy looking and ripest you can find! Then slice it into thick slices. Next put the slices on top of potting soil and cover it a little bit with potting soil, and water it thoroughly.

Let it sit in a warm dark place until it is germinating and then bring it into the sunniest spot inside the house.

After approximately 14 days transplant into separate pots.

For the best results do this as soon as possible and on May 25 you can plant them outside. 

There is no guarantee what kind of tomato this will be because most tomatoes you buy in the store are hybrids, but it will be a tomato! It is like a mother and a father's child, so the child (hybrid) has traits from both parents but doesn't necessarily doesn't look like them. 

Tomato plants growing from soi