Monday Matinee: Jungle Cruise [CANCELLED}
No registration is required but space is limited; first come, first served.
No registration is required but space is limited; first come, first served.
[CANCELED] Whether you’re a toddler or teen, drop in and make something out of this world with Legos! We’ll display your space themed builds throughout the library during the week. Grades K-12. In-person. No registration required.
January 24-28, 3:00-6:00pm, or upon request outside those hours
Stop by and take a space themed photo using our Spark Lab Green Screen! All photos will be available on our Facebook page at the end of the week. All Ages.
A variety of functional fitness exercises to tone core, upper and lower body muscles followed by stretches. This is a low impact class designed to be adaptable to participants’ different levels.
If you have NEVER attended this class, please register at this link: If you HAVE attended any of our online exercise classes in the past, we already have your information, and you do not need to register again.
What to do with jigsaw puzzles you’ve completed? Swap them! Bring your puzzles to exchange with others. No puzzle to swap? Come anyway; there are always extras for you to take. All ages and levels welcome.
No registration required. For updated mask requirements, please check our website.
Do science! Make art! It only takes a few ingredients to make your very own crystals in whatever shape you’d like.
Grades 6-12