Monday Storytime at McAuliffe
Join your familiar children’s librarians for some stories and a craft, and keep adding to your 1000 books before Kindergarten list.
Ages 2-5, all welcome. In-person.
Join your familiar children’s librarians for some stories and a craft, and keep adding to your 1000 books before Kindergarten list.
Ages 2-5, all welcome. In-person.
Create a paper and straw snake for this year’s Lunar New Year animal! Ages 3+
Cut out your own squishy friend from memory foam, and paint it however you’d like. Come one week to make something simple, or come back several weeks in a row to make an elaborate masterpiece!
Fill out our registration form here if you'd like to sign up for Teen Craft program reminders:
Grades 6-12
Improve your reading skills by reading aloud to your new Book Buddy. Registration required. Call 508-532-5636 or drop by to sign up for a time slot.
Registro requerido! Ligue para 508-532-5636 para se registrar. Melhore suas habilidades de leitura de maneira divertida, lendo em voz alta. Todas as idades.
¡Se requiere registrarse! Llame al 508-532-5636 para registrarse. Mejore sus habilidades de lectura de forma divertida leyendo en voz alta. Todas las edades.
Only for registered participants. Check back in the spring for information on the next session. Ages 0-2.
Sing songs, rhymes, and read a book. Stay after for open play and chat. Filled with fun, learning, and bonding for you and your baby!