Events Calendar / August 14, 2024

Main Library Yarn Club thumbnail Photo

Main Library Yarn Club

Join us for knitting, crochet, and yarn crafting social hour! This is not a learn to knit or crochet program, but in person we can offer pointers and tips.

Didgeridoo Down Under: Protect the Planet thumbnail Photo

Didgeridoo Down Under: Protect the Planet

Join us for an epic musical, multimedia and scientific adventure, from the birth of the universe to the age of dinosaurs to the modern world. Multi-talented performer Rob Thomas weaves didgeridoo world music, awe-inspiring projector visuals and audience participation into a captivating and interactive program. We'll learn how the air we breathe was created; we’ll marvel at prehistoric creatures roaming primordial landscapes; we’ll observe interactions between different animal species; and most importantly, we’ll learn how to protect our beautiful and beloved Earth! All ages.

This program is supported in part by a grant from the Framingham Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.

Book Buddies: Reading to Dogs ~ Ruthie thumbnail Photo

Book Buddies: Reading to Dogs ~ Ruthie

Improve your reading skills by reading aloud to your new Book Buddy. Registration required. Call 508-532-5636 or drop by to sign up for a time slot. 

Registro requerido! Ligue para 508-532-5636 para se registrar. Melhore suas habilidades de leitura de maneira divertida, lendo em voz alta. Todas as idades.

¡Se requiere registrarse! Llame al 508-532-5636 para registrarse. Mejore sus habilidades de lectura de forma divertida leyendo en voz alta. Todas las edades.

Summer Eats (Free Lunch Program) thumbnail Photo

Summer Eats (Free Lunch Program)

Summer Eats is a program that provides FREE meals to kids 18 years and under!
Main Library:
Mondays & Wednesday & Fridays 12-1pm
McAuliffe Branch:
Tuesdays & Thursdays 12-1pm

Summer Eats es un programa que provee comida GRATIS a todos los niños de 18 años y menores.
Biblioteca Principal:
Lunes, Miércoles y Viernes de 12 a 13 h.
Biblioteca McAuliffe:
Martes y Jueves de 12 a 13 h.

O Summer Eats é um programa que oferece refeições GRATUITAS para todas as crianças e adolescentes de até 18 anos.
Bibilteca Principal:
Segundas, Quartas e Sextas, das 12h às 13h
Biblioteca McAuliffe:
Terças e Quintas Das 12h ÀS 13h

Monthly Practice Interview Group thumbnail Photo

Monthly Practice Interview Group

Want to improve your job interview skills? Join career coach Ed Lawrence for this free monthly practice session. No registration required. Drop-ins welcome!

Stretch and Relax thumbnail Photo

Stretch and Relax

Join this class to maintain body flexibility, improve balance and reduce stress.

If you have NEVER attended this class, please register at this link: If you HAVE attended any of our online exercise classes in the past, we already have your information, and you do not need to register again.

Yarn Social Hour thumbnail Photo

Yarn Social Hour

Join us for knitting, crochet, and yarn crafting social hour! This is not a learn to knit or crochet program, but in person we can offer pointers and tips.

Axolotl Paint Party w/ Pop Up Art School - PROGRAM FULL. REGISTER TO BE ON WAITLIST thumbnail Photo

Axolotl Paint Party w/ Pop Up Art School - PROGRAM FULL. REGISTER TO BE ON WAITLIST

Paint an adorable smiling axolotl in Kawaii style with Pop up Art School.


Supplies are limited, so registration is strongly recommended:

Grades 6-12

Science Fiction Book Club: Quantum Thief by Hannu Rajaniemi thumbnail Photo

Science Fiction Book Club: Quantum Thief by Hannu Rajaniemi

Jean le Flambeur gets up in the morning and has to kill himself before his other self can kill him first. Just another day in the Dilemma Prison. Rescued by the mysterious Mieli and her flirtatious spacecraft, Jean is taken to the Oubliette, the Moving City of Mars, where time is a currency, memories are treasures, and a moon-turned-singularity lights the night. Meanwhile, investigator Isidore Beautrelet, called in to investigate the murder of a chocolatier, finds himself on the trail of an arch-criminal, a man named le Flambeur....
